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let the cat out of the bag (v.)
1.divulge confidential information or secrets"Be careful--his secretary talks"
2.(colloquial)deliver to an enemy by treachery"Judas sold Jesus" "The spy betrayed his country"
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let the cat out of the bag (v.)
babble, babble out, betray, blab, blab out, commit treason, give away, give the show away, peach, sell out, sing, sneak on, snitch on, spill the beans, squeal, talk, tattle, tell on
let the cat out of the bag (v.) (colloquial)
betray, commit treason, give away, sell, spill the beans (colloquial)
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let the cat out of the bag (v.)
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let the cat out of the bag (v.)
let the cat out of the bag (v.)
let the cat out of the bag (v.)
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